Lesser water boatman

Lesser water boatman
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Corixidae
Genus: Corixa
Species: C. punctata
Binomial name
Corixa punctata
(Illiger, 1807)

The lesser water boatman (Corixa punctata) is a water-dwelling insect of order Hemiptera.

They normally grow to between 5 and 15 mm long, and are found in ponds, lakes and even swimming pools. The boatman feeds on algae and dead plant material. They have long hind legs which they use to swim at the top of water, these powerful legs are covered in tiny hairs which help them keep buoyant. The boatman's mating call, generated by rubbing the penis against the abdomen, is the loudest sound, relative to body size, in the animal kingdom.[1]

They breathe oxygen by trapping air beneath their wing cases when they are on the surface as the oxygen is trapped by tiny hairs.

They are similar to Notonecta glauca, the water boatman or back swimmer by appearance, although these lesser waterboatman are herbivores and swim on their fronts. They are not related to Notonecta glauca, the water boatman or back swimmer.

External links

  1. ^ http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0021089